Hi, my name is
I'm on a mission to become a full-stack developer by 2025, my passion is accessibility and removing barriers on the web for the people of Queensland.
Let's talk!Hi there! My name is Ricci (pause for effect) Lee and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web devleopment started back in 2016 purely by accident when I had to undergo a web devleopment unit for my marketing degree.
Fast-forward to today, and I've had the privilige of working at different ends of the spectrum—from the small business to a multion million dollar organisation.
My passion and chosen field of expertise is user experience. I want to understand and implement changes to make life easier for users, regardless of their ability, knowledge, and skillset. I firmly believe that everyone should have access to the information online and I am 100% dedicated to addressing the barriers and disadvantages for people because of a mismatch between design and the user.
Learn more about my skills and the projects that I have undertaken.